

In Cité Soleil we work together with Stichting Steun Cité Soleil. Together we sponsor the École Mixte Action Chrétienne, to help as many children as possible who live in the rubbish dump to go to school. Below you can read the story of teacher Marije Prudon who regularly goes to Haiti and gives lessons at this school.

"École Mixte Action Chétienne is a small school in the middle of Cité Soleil, a large slum in the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince. The school is located in the infamous centre, where crime is more or less standard. By providing education and to increase their chances of work and knowledge, and also to offer after-school activities, we hope to stimulate the children in this neighbourhood more and keep them out of crime. Part of the school team is a former resident of Cité Soleil. They have escaped from their difficult situation through study and jobs. It’s nice to see that they now offer opportunities to the current children of this district. The teachers receive a minimum wage and a large part of the donations that we receive go to providing the education. Good teaching materials are also needed. In February 2018 another Dutch teacher visited Haiti to give example lessons, and to encourage the team to reduce aggressive behavior among the students."

So far, we have been able to give 150 children a place at the school. Our goal is 350 children and we believe that is feasible. Will you help?


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