
What we do

The heart of our mission and the core of our activities is sheltering abandoned and underprivileged (orphan) children and creating a better future for them. We do this in three ways: family sponsoring, child sponsorship and school sponsoring.

Helping families: We place abandoned children in homes together with a caring foster mother/parents in order to provide these children with the most stable and safe upbringing possible. We help both the children and the foster mothers in this, and this care model has our preference where possible.

Helping children: In instances, or countries, where our family sponsorship is not possible, children are placed in a boarding school, where they receive complete care.

One-off campaigns: In addition to our structural assistance, we also regularly carry out campaigns for, for example, a water pump, mattress drive or washable sanitary products for young girls.

Helping Families

At Heart for Children, we believe that the family is the cornerstone of society. As such, we aim to help as many abandoned children become part of a new family and to thrive in a safe and loving environment. We do this by founding new families within the existing community and culture to which the child belongs. Family sponsoring is mainly done in South Africa and Haiti.

Helping Children

Currently, more than 200 (orphan) children who have, before now, never had the chance to go to school are attending boarding school in Uganda. This is a safe place for them, where they get the love and care they need. Everything is provided for them including clothes, medication, three meals a day and education. Through our donor’s help, these children have the chance to build a better future for themselves and their community. Child sponsorship is mainly done in Uganda.

One-off campaigns

One-off campaigns may consist of providing emergency relief in the case of earthquakes or hurricane destruction such as in Haiti. It may also mean that we carry out fundraisers for the purchase of mattresses, solar-power collectors, washable sanitary pads or play equipment.

Help today.

Donate directly.


Hart voor Kinderen

Postal Address:
Postbus 160
1250 AD Laren
The Netherlands

Visiting Address:
Johannes Geradtsweg 24b
1222 PT Hilversum
The Netherlands

Telephone: (31) 35 - 772 11 04

Donate to: NL41INGB0000004520 (BIC: INGBNL2A)
KvK: 32136226
ANBI RSIN 8195 25 339
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