

Help girls in Uganda: providing for their hygiene needs

The equal opportunity to go to school

In the Netherlands we do not know better: When you have your period, you go to the drugstore or supermarket and buy what you need: sanitary towels or tampons. That is not so easy in Uganda. You can choose: stay home and miss school or work or suffer with cutting banana leaves. Then the choice is made simple, is it not?

Besides that your menstruation is already uncomfortable and hurts, it is also very unhygienic and humiliating. That is why Heart for Children is coming into action for the girls and women in Uganda and we want to ask you to help us with that.

Our team at the Mother and Child Center in Uganda is helping Uganda's inland countries to tell young girls about the changes in puberty, how they can take care of themselves, and how to make their own washable sanitary napkins. A skill that they can pass on to their mothers, sisters, aunts, and later their own daughters.

It means a lot for the self-esteem and self-esteem of the girls that they learn about their bodies, how they can take care of themselves hygienically and get the means to do so. Moreover, they do not have to stay home from school or work and they can grow up to be strong women.

For € 5, - one girl will be taught how to make her own washable sanitary towels and in that class she also makes 3 sanitary towels for herself. Will you help? Through your donation, the girls receive good information and good sanitary pads.


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Hart voor Kinderen

Postal Address:
Postbus 160
1250 AD Laren
The Netherlands

Visiting Address:
Johannes Geradtsweg 24b
1222 PT Hilversum
The Netherlands

Telephone: (31) 35 - 772 11 04

Donate to: NL41INGB0000004520 (BIC: INGBNL2A)
KvK: 32136226
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