

Bring light to Uganda

While we use our lights without thinking about it, or reach over to charge our phones, many Africans do not have access to electricity. So, when it gets dark at 18:00 in the evening - and you can count on it being dark in Africa - you just go to bed. A little reading or homework is no longer possible.

The need for solar lighting is great in Uganda, because most villages do not have electricity and families are dependent on oil lamps and candles. Many people cannot afford that and have to make sure they are in their house before dark. Those who can afford oil lamps and candles often have the problem that their house may catch fire. These houses are made of wood, mud and cow dung, and the soil on which the candles are placed is made of crushed mud. There are generally many children living in a small room and an accident with candles or an oil lamp can and has happened quickly, with all the consequences.

In order to give children in Uganda the chance to have a family life and a safe opportunity to do their homework, for example, we would like to distribute solar collectors. After all, there is definitely enough sun in Uganda!

For € 16,- we can provide two families with light. Two solar collectors that offer light, safety and cosiness. Will you help to spread light in Uganda?


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Hart voor Kinderen

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Postbus 160
1250 AD Laren
The Netherlands

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Johannes Geradtsweg 24b
1222 PT Hilversum
The Netherlands

Telephone: (31) 35 - 772 11 04

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