
Family-sponsoring in Haiti

Haiti is extremely poor (80% of residents live on less than 2 euros a day) and one of the most disaster-effected countries in the world. More than half of the population is illiterate, almost 70% are unemployed and 75% have no running water. A good school is an exception, and even worse is that 20% of the children do not go to school at all.

In order to change this, education is urgently needed. After the earthquake in 2010 Heart for Children was allowed to cooperate in the care of orphans who had lost their parents in the rubble. It is estimated that some 250,000-people died and more than 1.5 million people became homeless. Before the earthquake, there were already a lot of orphans in Haiti, after which tens of thousands were added.

After the earthquake, due to lack of clean sanitation and water, cholera broke out and in November 2016 the drama of Hurricane Matthew followed. Our heart goes out to the people of Haiti. We may not be able to help every single affected child, but we won’t let that stop us. For every drop in the ocean is one. Johan Smoorenburg, manager of children's village Bon Repos in Haiti, once said: "Imagine you are just the child on whom the drop falls." It makes a world of difference.

Heart for Children supports multiple projects in Haiti. We help some children by sending them to school, but a large number of children are also cared for at children's villages or boarding schools.

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Step 1/2



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Step 2/2

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