

Vision AfriKa - Inspiring Dreams

Heart voor Children
01-01-2013 09:16
Thanks to you, we have been able to financially support Vision Africa with a one-off contribution. They urgently need more computers or even better tablets. At the moment, the old second hand computers that they have are taken a few times a week from one slum to the other slum. It would be great if they had enough computers at a fixed location to teach the children how to deal with them.

Vision AfriKa
Vision Africa is an organization that offers children in the Township Kayamandi and Vlottenberg at Stellenbosch in South Africa extra support in their personal development. Children between the ages of 12 and 15 are provided with tools to learn to think critically, visionary and goal-oriented, leadership development, support in their studies, but they also learn to be active in their own community (the slums). The success of the Vision AfriKa program is the relationships that the children develop with their group leaders. For three years they are part of a family in which safety, respect and trust are an enormous stimulus to growth and development.
This is badly needed because many young people who grow up in a slum have a very low self-esteem and are often not encouraged by their parents to think 'bigger' than the situation in which they live.
"A good leader is one who can tell another how to reach his or her potential; a great leader is one who can help you discover this potential for him or herself "
 Bo Bennet
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