

Micro-credit Project: 3rd Hairsalon Uganda

In Progress
Because of positive feedback and support for the two previous hairsalon micro-credit projects, heart for children has decided to start another micro-credit project for Madina, our partner organization Caring Heart for Women and Children. In order to be able to help more children, it is very important that their mothers learn a trade to be able to support themselves and their children. We want to encourage self-reliance. A hairdresser's training for the women in Kakiri could be a huge help for women to start their own hairdresser after their training. Establishing another simple salon in which Madina can give the workshops costs € 1,500 to € 2,000. This project is the third micro-credit project to raise funds for a hairsalon.
Through a three-month training, Madina and a number of other women lead young women and mothers to become hairdressers. They can earn money themselves through their own job and possibly a salon. As a result, they are less dependent on a man, fewer unplanned pregnancies will occur and their standard of living will be increased. Works are also good for their mental and mental health.
We would like to enable these women to become self-reliant. For this we need donations in order to help them fulfil their potential. Are you willing to help?


Step 1/2



Hoe vaak:

Step 2/2

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Hart voor Kinderen

Postal Address:
Postbus 160
1250 AD Laren
The Netherlands

Visiting Address:
Johannes Geradtsweg 24b
1222 PT Hilversum
The Netherlands

Telephone: (31) 35 - 772 11 04

Donate to: NL41INGB0000004520 (BIC: INGBNL2A)
KvK: 32136226
ANBI RSIN 8195 25 339
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